Getting You To The Financial Finish-line Faster.
As a dentist, every day brings happy smiles from those you help look and feel better. You’re part of a great profession that is highly regarded in your community… and it’s only through extensive training and preparation that you’ve succeeded. As a dentist, you understand the profession is a craft that’s part art, relationship, medicine, and entrepreneurship.
Yes, we said it, YOU are an entrepreneur. From start to finish, your dental career is truly a financial enterprise. You start with six-figure student loans and often conclude with you selling your beloved practice at retirement. Even if you decide practice ownership isn’t in your future you need to maximize your production while staying true to your treatment philosophies.

Live On Your Own Financial Terms.
We understand all the complexities of your field and know how we can best benefit you at any stage of your journey. Our specialized advice will get you to your financial finish-line faster.
We have navigated the typical money pitfalls dentists fall into that keep them in the daily grind years longer than expected, such as entering into the wrong contracts, guessing on a student loan repayment strategy, making ill-informed investment decisions, or increasing your lifestyle faster than you increase your income.
With our dental-specific, highly personalized solutions, we ease your
way towards living on your own financial terms and minimizing
financial stress.

Fiduciary. legally responsible. no exceptions.
Our Promise To You.
Like you, we give competent, objective advice that’s always in the best interest of those we serve. We’re skilled listeners who offer financial advice tailored specifically for dentists. And just as we do with every client, our financial advisors promise to abide by the fiduciary standard.
We help dentists of all types with their financial goals
I am a…
Student & Resident
Solo Practice Owner
DSO Associate
Military Dentist
Group Practice Owner